Internet Services
Everybody needs the Internet, whether it's just for sending and receiving email or for hosting your own web site.
With so many different options and providers out there who do you turn to? Well, hopefully the answer is us! We can provide impartial help and advice as to who we think currently provide the best value services suitable for your particular needs.
Internet Access
Having a fast, reliable, Internet connection is vitally important for most modern businesses. For most people that means ADSL, but these days there are some many options it gets confusing. Do you need an ultra-fast, unlimited connection or will a slower, cheaper, capped service be suitable? Do you need the same speed service in both directions (SDSL) or not? Don't worry. Just give us a call and we'll get you on the right track. As with all our services we are vendor independent and we'll only recommend the service and provider we think is right for you.
So whether you are looking to use the Internet just for email, or for much grander purposes such as remote home workers or for keeping an eye on your premises whilst you are away, we will help you make the right choice.
Website Hosting & Email
If you need to host your own website, whether it's a simply one just like this, or something much more complicated requiring back-end databases and shopping carts, we have a hosting plan to suit you. With prices starting from as little as £100 + VAT per year you can have your very own domain (like with as many email addresses as you like (e.g.
Website Design
There are lots of do-it-yourself web design programs out there but if it all seems a bit complicated we can help you out. We provide a complete design and programming service to give you a website to be proud of.