Below is a list of our time-related charges. These apply for all our standard services (support, consultancy, installation and training). As prices for hardware and software constantly change please contact us for a quotation.
Ad-hoc rates
On-site work
£85 per hour (charged to nearest 15 minutes with a minimum 1 hour charge).
Remote work
£70 per hour (charged to nearest 15 minutes). Short questions with short answers are free! Please note that all time worked during a given day will be added together when calculating the final total (e.g. ten 3 minute questions will be charged as 30 minutes and not as ten free questions).
Pre-contracted rates:
Please contact us if you would like to discuss a bespoke contract, have any special requirements or simply require further information.
All rates quoted are for standard working hours (09:00 to 17:30, Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays) and exclude VAT which will be charged at the current rate.